Lip Balm


Indulge your lips in a world of natural care and irresistible flavors with Juenethia's Lip Balms. Crafted with love and nourishing ingredients, our lip balms are the perfect companions for your daily lip care routine.

Why Choose Juenethia's Lip Balms?
Our lip balms are more than just a beauty product; they're a commitment to wholesome ingredients and the well-being of your lips. Vegan, cruelty-free, and free from harmful chemicals, they offer a burst of hydration and delicious flavor with every application.

Pro Tip: Exfoliate for Extra Glow!
Before applying our lip balm, consider a quick and gentle lip exfoliation. This step helps remove dead skin cells, allowing the lip balm to penetrate more effectively, leaving your lips even more supple and soft.

How to Exfoliate:

1. Prep Your Lips:
Start with clean lips. You can use a mild lip scrub or a DIY mix of agave (or bee-free honey) and sugar for a natural exfoliant.

2. Gentle Massage:
Apply the exfoliant in circular motions, gently massaging your lips. This helps to slough off dead skin and stimulate blood flow.

3. Rinse and Pat Dry:
After a minute of massaging, rinse your lips with warm water and pat them dry with a soft towel.

4. Apply Juenethia Lip Balm:
With your lips prepped and ready, apply your favorite Juenethia Lip Balm for a burst of hydration and flavor.